Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Family Vacation

After my mother's death, Sandy and I decided to take the girls on a vacation. It was Fall/Winter break and they needed a change of scenery after losing thier grandparents. We went to Schatazweitzier Mountain and stayed at the campgrounds. After a few days we took the girls to Lumberjack Training so they could try thier hand at skills that lumberjacks needed to have. They were too young to try ax throwing, but they excelled at log-rolling, especially S'Ahmisa. She's such an active child and naturally good at all things sportsy. We did the usual things like grill hamburgers and fresh fish that we caught in a lake. We also took the girls into town to the Alpine Village to do a little bit of shopping and try thier world famous flapjacks. Si'Enya loved the camping trip and sleeping under the stars. She's been begging me to buy a tent so she can sleep outdoors. I doubt it.

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