Thursday, April 3, 2008

Revamping CupaJava

We have an exclusive contract with Pennelson Publishing to provide their titles to the residents of Apple Valley. They will ship the books and we'll sell them. In fact, my baker has signed a contract for a series of cookbooks centered around baking. So we're hosting a book signing at CupaJava for her.

With the new changes, I want to revamp the store. CupaJava is a three-in-one establishment (bakery, bookstore, coffeeshop) and I want them all to blend seamlessly, also I would like to install a small cafe so patrons can snack on desserts. I found a cart to have the desserts displayed on (the buffet wasn't working to my pleasure), but I still need to do some rearranging. Perhaps set up zones for the store, with a bakery/cafe zone for dining on desserts/coffee and choosing desserts to take home; a bookstore section with stacks of the newest titles and a register area of course. Yea...I like that set up better, might cut down on some of the traffic around the bakery stands and best of all-no simoleans spent.

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