Friday, March 14, 2008

Scoping the Crowds

The election is coming soon and I put my name in the hat for Financial Director. I wondered what was on the resident's minds, so I grabbed some simoleans and walked to the Green Tables. There I played the card tables (and lost quite a bit to Li and Tobi-I still think they cheated, but you can't accuse the Security Director of cheating and expect to be dealt with lightly) and picked the brain of my fellow residents. I am developing my platform and it seems like most of the residents have complaints about the lack of entertainment options on the isle. Since the FD is in charge of builds and real estate, perhaps I could give incentives to area businesses to add more entertainment. Heck! I have an empty upper level at CupaJava, I could build a nightclub...or sports bar for after hours. It would require more employees and perhaps some shift work, but it could work...hmm...

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